Category: Blog

  • Women-initiated Divorces



    I read a blog today that described how more women are initiating divorces lately. I’m not sure if it is indeed a trend. I did, however, come across an AARP magazine article from 2004 titled, “A House Divided.” Written by Elizabeth Enright, the subtitle was “Divorce over 50 is on the rise. Women do the walking.…

  • A Perspective on Divorce



    While I was going through my divorce, I found it difficult (as a man) to find resources to help me weather the storm. I ended up in a church-based group pretty far from where I lived. It wasn’t my preference but it was all I could find. Disclaimer: I was raised Roman Catholic but I…

  • Divorce Coaching For Men



    Are you moving into, going through, or coming out of a divorce?Has your future suddenly gone cloudy or disappeared completely?Are you looking for support from a man’s perspective?Do you want an objective and trustworthy sounding board?Do you feel like you’re lost in a fog? I know how you feel. I’ve been there. It was torture.…