Category: Blog

  • Paul on Life Coach TV

    If you’re a man dealing with an unexpected divorce and looking for help or resources, click this link to watch my first appearance on the Manhattan-based cable TV show, Life Coach TV. I’m a trained and certified coach who has also been through the actual pain of a real divorce. I created a process based…

  • Thankful for what?!

    Thanksgiving has just ended and the (American) holiday season is getting into full swing. This is typically the time of year when we count our blessings and give thanks for them. If you’re in the midst of a troubled relationship, however, you may be thinking, “What blessings? What do I have to be thankful for?”…

  • Dreading the Holidays?

    It’s November and that means the fall and winter holidays are fast approaching. If you’re in the midst of a separation or moving into divorce territory, this can be one of the most dreaded times of the year. Why? Because it’s a time for traditions and family and laughter and celebration — some of the…

  • The Economy and Divorce

    It seems everywhere you look lately, there are signs of confusion and doubt about the economy and where things are heading. Confusion causes fear and fear causes people to make bad decisions. (If you’re interested in the brain science behind that, give me a call at 516.216.4233). Couple this with the fact that money issues…

  • An Interview with Divorce Coach Paul McGinniss

    Surviving the Fog of Divorce: A Divorce Coaching Program for Men is such a unique offering, you might have some questions about what it is and how it works. Please take some time to read this Question & Answer interview with founder/creator Paul McGinniss before contacting/hiring him. 1. How long have you been coaching? I…

  • Women-initiated Divorces

    I read a blog today that described how more women are initiating divorces lately. I’m not sure if it is indeed a trend. I did, however, come across an AARP magazine article from 2004 titled, “A House Divided.” Written by Elizabeth Enright, the subtitle was “Divorce over 50 is on the rise. Women do the walking.…

  • A Perspective on Divorce

    While I was going through my divorce, I found it difficult (as a man) to find resources to help me weather the storm. I ended up in a church-based group pretty far from where I lived. It wasn’t my preference but it was all I could find. Disclaimer: I was raised Roman Catholic but I…

  • Divorce Coaching For Men

    Are you moving into, going through, or coming out of a divorce?Has your future suddenly gone cloudy or disappeared completely?Are you looking for support from a man’s perspective?Do you want an objective and trustworthy sounding board?Do you feel like you’re lost in a fog? I know how you feel. I’ve been there. It was torture.…